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SeaPattern's ground-breaking innovation opens the door to green electricity

The demand for electricity in Sweden could double by the year 2035, and SeaPattern offers a solution that increases access to sustainable, green energy. Their AI software, combined with submerged water turbines the company has developed in house, creates a unique product that harnesses the waste energy downstream of hydroelectric stations to create a new source of green electricity.

SeaPattern enables increased electricity production by using a large source of renewable energy that is hidden below the surface – underwater currents that can be harvested using submerged water turbines. The startup from Linköping was formed in November 2020 and has gone through a period of development since then – with significant funding and other support from LEAD, VINNOVA and the Swedish Energy Agency.

“By using the waste energy downstream of hydropower plants, we can potentially produce between five and ten percent more electricity. Since it is downstream, the necessary infrastructure is already in place, and we have no environmental impact, as we only need to lower our water turbines into an existing channel. It is sustainable, green energy”, says CEO Niklas Boman.

SeaPattern's innovative solution is the proprietary AI software it uses to map watercourses and optimize the placement of turbines. In order to maximize the energy extraction from water currents, SeaPattern has also developed its own water turbine. These two innovations combine to form a new concept that offers a number of benefits.

“The turbine uses the energy that remains in the water currents downstream of the hydropower plant and generates electricity. Either you use one turbine, or if you use several, it is called a turbine farm; this is a brand new concept”, explains Niklas.

For starters, the target group is electricity companies in Sweden, but the company also has plans for international expansion.

Increase Sweden’s capacity to generate electricity

“Our product is unique – there is no other company that installs turbine farms downstream of hydropower plants in the way that we do. After getting established in Sweden, our goal is to expand in the Nordic region and beyond. Apart from developing the software and the turbines, SeaPattern will also generate and sell electricity to existing market players (B2B)”.

“The partnerships and business models will look different. But I am excited that SeaPattern will play an important role in increasing the electricity capacity in Sweden, especially considering that the demand for electricity may double by 2035”.

The company management team has reached out to a number of different electricity companies around the country, and there is significant interest in the product.

“All of our forecasts look very promising, and the possibilities are great. Right now, we are focused on testing and evaluating our prototype turbines at hydropower plants in the Linköping area, so that we can then complete the first production turbines for commercial use”.

It is no coincidence that the company started in Linköping.

“There is an enormous amount of competence here, both at the university and in industry – and that goes for all of Östergötland. Many companies are at the forefront of both software development and manufacturing, and we have a very favourable business climate here”, emphasizes Niklas Boman.